Cindy Lin
Cindy Lin adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir program S1 di National University of Singapore (NUS) yang mengkhususkan diri pada Studi Asia Tenggara. Pada saat ini ia berbasis di Singapura tetapi sering berada di Yogyakarta untuk penelitiannya dalam kekhususan hacking pada hackerspace daerah Dunia Selatan. Dia mencari idiom-idiom di Dunia Selatan yang melingkupi budaya dan praktek otak atik, mengkombinasikan dan menggunakan kembali ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan melihat bagaimana idiom ini masih bergaung atau ditantang.
Dia merupakan salah satu pendiri Gender Collective - ruang yang aman untuk jender dan inklusivitas seksual pada tahun 2011 dan co-editor emi-akademik independen kritis di jurnal Studi Asia Tenggara pada tahun 2013 - Subjectivities. Dia juga merupakan relawan dasar dari Project X - sebuah inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk mengakui hak-hak pekerja Trans* seks (tidak lengkap) di Singapura. Cindy baru-baru ini mendirikan Sewon FoodLab - sebuah kolaborasi transnasional dengan Geeks dari Indonesia untuk kritis berpikir, eksperimen dan berdiskusi tentang masalah konsumsi.
Anggota komunitas baru Do-It-Yourself Biology Singapura (DIYbio SG), Cindy adalah mahasiswa dan bio-antusias. Dia terobsesi dengan gastropoda dan rodentia baik hidup atau mati serta narasi ilmiah, pola dan perilaku spesies asing invasif. Dia baru-baru ini berpartisipasi dalam HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta dan berpameran di Post-PopUp: More than [show] business - sebuah kolaborasi antara Centre for Contemporary Art dan Post-Museum Singapura.
Cindy Lin is a final year undergraduate National University of Singapore (NUS) student specializing in Southeast Asian Studies. She is currently residing in Singapore but frequently returns to Yogyakarta for her research on the particularities of hacking in Global South hackerspaces. She searches for idioms in the Global South encapsulating the culture and practice of tinkering, recombining and reusing in science and technology and see how these idioms still resonate or are challenged.
She co-founded Gender Collective - safe space for gender and sexual inclusivity in 2011 and is co-editor of independent critical semi-academic Southeast Asian Studies journal in 2013 – Subjectivities. She is also a groundwork volunteer of Project X - an initiative which seeks to recognise the rights of Trans* sex (not exhaustive) workers in Singapore. Cindy has recently initiated Sewon FoodLab – a transnational collaboration with geeks from Indonesia to critically think, experiment and discuss about consumable matter.
Member of the recently initiated Do-It-Yourself Biology Singapore (DIYbio SG) team, Cindy is a moonlighting student and a bio-enthusiast. She is obsessed with both alive and dead gastropoda and rodentia as well as the scientific narratives, patterns and behaviours of invasive alien species. She has recently participated in HackteriaLab 2014 Yogyakarta and exhibited at Post-PopUp: More than [show] business – a collaboration between Centre for Contemporary Art and Post-Museum.
Aktifitas di Indonesia
Pada awal 2014, Cindy berada di Yogyakarta selama enam bulan melakukan penelitian tentang hubungan transnasional antara seniman, ilmuwan, peretas dan peneliti dan ruang desentralisasi ilmu warga dan teknologi. Dia juga berpartisipasi dalam HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta co-host oleh Lifepatch dan Hackteria - pertemuan transnasional dua minggu antara ilmuwan, seniman, hacker, peneliti dan penggemar lainnya untuk membahas secara kritis, berkolaborasi dan berpartisipasi dalam tiga node penelitian ekologi.
Setelah lebih lanjut mengembangkan minatnya dalam bereksperimen dengan apa yang dapat dikonsumsi, Cindy, bersama-sama dengan Agus Tri Budiarto, Lintang Radittya dan Krisna W Pandawa, mendirikan Sewon FoodLab pada bulan Juli 2014. Sewon FoodLab kemudian menyelenggarakan Workshop Surabaya Fermentation Madness pada makanan fermentasi dan neon di c2o library & collabtive, Surabaya pada Agustus 2014.
Pada awal Desember 2014, dia bersama-sama mendirikan Proyek Nenek dengan lifepatch dan Stefanie Wuschitz di Yogyakarta.
In early 2014, Cindy was in Yogyakarta for six months conducting research on transnational relations between artists, scientists, hackers and researchers and decentralized spaces of citizen science and technology. She also participated in HackteriaLab 2014 - Yogyakarta co-hosted by Lifepatch and Hackteria – a two-week transnational meeting between scientists, artists, hackers, researchers and other enthusiasts to critically discuss, collaborate and participate in three ecological research nodes.
After further developing her interest in experimenting with what can be consumed, Cindy, together with Agus Tri Budiarto, Lintang Radittya and Krisna W Pandawa, initiated Sewon FoodLab in July 2014. Sewon FoodLab later hosted and conducted Workshop Surabaya Fermentation Madness on fermented and fluorescent foods in c2o library & collabtive, Surabaya in August 2014.
In early December 2014, she jointly established Proyek Nenek with lifepatch and Stefanie Wuschitz in Yogyakarta.
In Cindy’s first formal collaboration with lifepatch members, she will conduct interviews and collect narratives from the mothers of lifepatch members and other nenek-nenek on their experiences with science and technology. These narratives will inform project members of the priorities of these older women, their structures of caring and sharing and their daily technological and scientific encounters. Where possible, Cindy hopes to detect and analyse the similarities and dissonances in tinkering, making and sharing between these particular female agents and other more recent hacker and citizen science figures in the Global South and Global North.
This transnational collaboration will materialize in the forms of non-fiction narratives, various kinetic prototypes, workshops and an exhibition. More details can be found here: Proyek Nenek
This project will continue till March 2015.
Referensi dan Link Eksternal
- situs Cindy Lin
- situs Sewon FoodLab
- situs Gender Collective
- situs Subjectivities
- situs c2o library & collabtive
- situs Post-Museum
- situs NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore
- situs DIYbio Singapore